June 5, 2015
by InstaScribe

Visual Friday: Reason #69874304 to Read E-books

Want to embed this post on your blog or website? Use the following code. Related articles ‘E-Book Backup’, A Photocopied Hardbound Edition of a Kindle E-Book Kobo, American Booksellers Association launch ‘eRead Local’ promotion to boost bookstore e-book sales Canadian … Continue reading

March 9, 2015
by abhaga

Why less is More in E-book Designing?

The craft of book designing or typesetting has been honed over centuries. Details like the font-face, font-size, line-spacing, page margins, paragraph indents affect the look and readability of the text on a printed page. There are also things like Drop … Continue reading

March 5, 2015
by Jaya

Why PDF to EPUB conversions are so bad?

PDF to EPUB conversion is a hot keyword. Many of you might have searched for it and reached various free and paid converters. If your experience is like most others, you would have been terribly disappointed by the results. Some … Continue reading