We have launched an exciting new feature on InstaScribe that will let you import your WordPress.com blog into InstaScribe, edit and format the content and export it into beautiful and compliant EPUB and Mobi files that you can publish on platforms of your choice.
Using it is as simple as using the rest of InstaScribe. Log in to your account and look for “Import a WordPress.com Blog” widget on the left sidebar.
Enter the URL of your blog, click “Import” and follow the instructions to authenticate.
You will be presented with a list of latest posts.
You can keep track of posts selected for import on the right side of the screen and remove them by clicking on the cross (x) sign next to them, if they are not wanted in the final list.
You can filter the post list by category to make the selection easy.
You can navigate to the next set of older or newer posts by using the “Next” and “Previous” buttons at the bottom of post list.
When you have selected all the posts you want, click on the Import button available at the top of selected posts.
You will be redirected to the InstaScribe’s Writing Desk with the selected posts imported as different chapters.
Edit the content, if needed. Add standard pages like Title, Copyright, Preface, etc.
Add cover, update metadata, create Table of Content and select a theme using the regular InstaScribe Options on top of the page.
Once you are satisfied, go back to the dashboard and export your eBook in the desired format!
Should you face a problem, or have a suggestion, we are always available at support@instascribe.com. Your feedback will help us make the product better.
The feature has been tested well on WordPress.com blogs. If you have a self-hosted blog with jetpack plugin enabled, it should work for you too. But we need more testing with such blogs. It would help us immensely if you could give it a try and let us know whether it worked and if not what error/problem you faced.