Writing for you blog can be fun; or it can be an absolute torture. We all go through spells where your whole life is soured by the next blog post that you just have to get out, but nothing you do makes it happen. You stare at the screen, you read other blogs but nothing motivates you to string together few hundred interesting words.
As it happens, writers of non-fiction often have more material available to build there bog posts around. New research, an example from current affairs, case studies or even a new Discovery series about a related topic.
Fiction writers have a bigger challenge, because let’s face it, it is rather unlikely that Discovery is going to feature your book. But, do not despair! Help is at hand. Here are five ideas fiction writers can use to create quality content on our own author blogs.
1. Review other books in your genre
Obviously if people are reading your whodunnit or love story, they are interested in that particular genre. Tell them about other books that you have read. Giving honest reviews is a way to build your own reputation and trustworthiness.
The more readers and potential readers trust your opinion, the more likely it is that they will buy your book. And remember, liking a competitor does not mean that your own sales will be negatively impacted.
2. Interview authors from your genre
This is a very clever move. First of all you have the material to create quality content for your blog. Secondly you are making your competing author’s readers aware of you. That this author will definitely link to your blog to publicize the interview, and then his readers will be made aware of you and your work!
And don’t worry. It isn’t like you are using the other author to gain the attention of her readers. You are introducing her to your readers as well. It’s a win-win situation.
3. Fan-fiction
Chances are that you and your readers share some likes. Perhaps a popular TV show, a movie or even a classic book. Nearly all popular creations have some sort of fan-fiction these days. Modern fans have a new kind of relationship with their favorite characters.
Have you considered tapping into this love? You can leverage the popularity of Harry Potter or a Dan Brown character to your advantage. Readers enjoy the twists and turns that fan fiction offers. Just make sure that your preferred character is not one of the few exceptions whose creator discourages fan fiction!
4. Short Stories
Short stories are fun to write as well as a great promotional tool. Write a few short stories for your blog that showcases your talent. You can also combine this with the idea of fan fiction. Perhaps you fear that featuring Edward for 200 pages might be a pain in the neck, but why not try being him for a short story?
It is also a good idea to make these stories available for download in different e-book formats, so that readers can read them on their preferred device when they want to. Downloads will also make it easier to share these works with their friends, allowing your fans to grow your fan base!
You can also publish them for free on various platforms like Apple iBookstore, Kobo and Kindle.
5. Discoveries from Your Research for the Book
Share the discoveries you have made while writing your book with your readers. Historical novels present great opportunities. Writers often find lots of interesting tidbits that they cannot fit into the book. Or perhaps a sub plot that involves dog fighting. Most readers will find it fascinating to find out about the kinds dogs used for dog fighting, dog fighting in general or perhaps you can even point them to a charity or web-site that helps these dogs.
While researching for your mystery book, you might have found something interesting in the law, that is counter-intuitive.
All genres have interesting themes that can be explored on your blog. Who knows, it might even be the motivation for your next book?
What suggestions do you have for other authors? How do you keep your blog posts alive, interesting and frequent? Share them with us!
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